Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chertoff Ready To Go To Court Over Fence

It looks like push is about to come to shove over the ridiculous fence the Republicans want to build on our southern border. Bush and his cohorts wanted the fence to be built by October. They wanted it done before the election so they could solidify the racist base of their party.

But there's a group of landowners standing in their way -- 20 in California, 11 in Arizona and 71 here in Texas. The group is made up of individuals, city and county governments, utilities, businesses and conservation groups. These people and organizations have refused to let the government surveyors on their land to determine where exactly to put the fence.

Chertoff and his minions from Homeland Security gave this group 30 days to comply with his orders. They ignored him. The 30 days are now up and they still refuse to comply.

Chertoff is now saying he'll go to court and use the right of imminent domain to force the landowners to obey his orders or lose their land. That's the kind of sick bastard he is. But he may find this group tougher than he expected.

These people will probably fight the government in court. The Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law believes the government "is trampling on indigenous, water and property rights". They will represent at least some of the landowners.

I wish these landowners luck in their fight against the government. With some good lawyers and a little bit of luck, maybe they can delay the ridiculous fence until after the election. It is up to the rest of us to elect some sane people to help them out.

This fence will do nothing to stop terrorists or illegal immigration. It will only waste billions of dollars, damage our border and cause a rift with Mexico. It needs to be stopped.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so old I remember when Republicans fetishized private property.


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