Sunday, January 13, 2008

More Republican Cheating

It looks like the Texas Freedom Network has uncovered another example of Republican cheating in the 2006 election here in Texas. This was done to help Rick Perry hold on to the governor's office in that election.

It seems that the three biggest Republican donors (James Leninger, Bob Perry and Bo Pilgrim) funneled about $1.3 million dollars through the Niemoller Foundation to the Texas Restoration Project (TRP), an evangelical christian group. The money was used by ministers in the TRP to mobilize evangelicals and get them to the polls to vote for Perry.

The TRP was led by Rev. Laurence White, who also happens to be on the board of the Niemoller Foundation. The Niemoller Foundation is a non-profit group. In Texas, it is illegal for non-profits to endorse candidates or directly intervene in elections. They funneled the money to the TRP to hide their involvement.

The TRP says it did not endorse a candidate, but there was only one candidate invited to speak at their gatherings -- Rick Perry. When you only invite one candidate, it is pretty obvious to everyone that you are endorsing that candidate.

The Texas Freedom Network has asked the IRS to investigate these illegal shenanigans, but I don't think I'll hold my breath for that. We all know who's in charge of the federal executive branch, and they've never been very good at investigating their own party.

It does make me wonder though -- how many other illegal efforts were the Republicans involved in during the 2006 election?

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