Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Republicans Offer Michigan False Hope

Michigan is a state in economic trouble -- even more than the nation as a whole. It has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country at more than 7%, and it has steadily lost good-paying jobs for the last seven years. It will probably lose more jobs this year.

It is into this climate that the Republicans come looking for votes. At the present time, it looks like McCain and Romney are in a virtual tie and either one could claim Michigan's delegates (or at least the half that remain. The RNC took the other half away because of the early primary date).

Both Romney and McCain are busy telling the voters in Michigan that they are the person who can fix Michigan's economic woes. It is not true. Romney is the ultimate corporatist. He is promising to bring back the auto industry. The only problem with that is the auto industry didn't close Michigan factories because of a poor economy.

They did it to outsource and take advantage of cheap labor.They are making more cars than ever. They are just doing it in other countries. The corporatist Romney is not going to bring these jobs back.

Neither is McCain -- the ultimate free-trader. He talks of re-training, but for what jobs? The new jobs that do come are service jobs that pay less than half the wages of the industrial jobs that are leaving.

This corporatist and this free-trader will not solve Michigan's economic problems. It is their Republican policies (like NAFTA) that created the problems in the first place.

Frankly, it doesn't matter which of them wins the primary there, Michigan would be foolish to vote for either in November.

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