Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Protesters Attack Olympic Torch

The Olympics summer games are being held in mainland China this year. But with the violence in Tibet between Tibetan protesters and Chinese troops, the Olympics are being drawn into the political situation.

Yesterday, the olympic torch was attacked several times as it was being carried through Paris. They had to extinguish the torch at least three times and remove it under guard to protect it from the protesting crowds (although the flame was kept burning in a sealed lantern).

Tomorrow, the torch is scheduled to arrive in San Francisco. It is expected to receive the same treatment there. They have severely shortened the route there, and called out many more police officials to control the crowds.

Personally, I think the protests are misdirected. These people have every right to protest, but protest the Chinese (their embassy?), not the Olympics. The olympic torch does not represent the Chinese, it represents the spirit of world cooperation.

It would be like attacking the Statue of Liberty to protest the Bush administration, even though the statue represents an ideal of freedom and not a misdirected administration. To attack the olympic torch is to attack the ideal of world peace and cooperation.

But even more troubling is the growing movement to boycott the Olympics. This would be a mistake. There are many athletes in this country and around the world who have worked for four long years for the opportunity to compete fairly in the spirit of brotherhood and togetherness. It would be wrong to deny them this opportunity just to make a political statement that will accomplish nothing.

China is not going to leave Tibet, even if the West does boycott the Olympics. Anyone who thinks they will is just not living in the real world. If we must make a futile gesture, it should be limited to the opening ceremonies.

The Olympics is the only time the entire world comes together in peaceful competition and cooperation. We must not allow politics to destroy that.


  1. I totally agree with you. The attacks on the torch is highly misguided, and attacks on the Chinese Embassy here in San Francisco is ridiculous, too. They burned the door of the embassy during the night. People at the embassy are just doing their jobs.

  2. I totally agree. This really ruins the Olympic spirit, which I personally love. If tehy don't like the CHinese Government, then protest to them, not the olympics.

  3. i agree with what you say but you must look at it by their perspective. they have protested infront of chinese embassies and all that had happened was Tibetans being beaten and very little media coverage. This is the only way to show the whole world that they want their freedom. See how quickly it grabs our attention?


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