Thursday, June 05, 2008

Burglar Makes A Bad Mistake

I must admit that I love stories about criminals who learn that crime doesn't pay. This is one of those stories -- about a burglar who had to learn the hard way.

Last Friday in Green Bay (Wisconsin), a burglar made a serious mistake. I'm sure the upscale home he broke into looked like it would be a good target, and rich with items to steal. There was just one problem -- the home belonged to Green Bay Packers player Noah Herron (pictured above), and he was home at the time.

When Herron heard glass breaking downstairs, he called police and told them someone was breaking into his home. But before police arrived, the burglar went upstairs and entered Herron's bedroom. That was when Herron whacked him with a bedpost that he had unscrewed from the bed.

The burglar had to be hospitalized, but will recover in time for his trial. Police arrested a second burglar right outside the house.

Herron was unharmed and will not face any charges. As police said, "Noah Herron used necessary, reasonable and justifiable force in protecting his life and property."

Personally, I wish this same fate could befall all would-be burglars who enter someone else's home to steal.


  1. LOL, that's hilarious! Myself, I keep a baseball bat handy. I've also burglar-proofed my apartment by having nothing of any value worth stealing.

  2. Jeeezus! Look at the *neck* on Noah Herron. That burglar is lucky that Herron didn't whack his head right off his shoulders!

    Big Tex, alas I have not been able to burglar-proof my apartment by having no thing of any value to steal. I have, however, befriended the thug family downstairs, who serve as quite good bodyguards if properly managed. Since there's someone there pretty much all the time, the chances of someone breaking into my apartment during the day and stealing everything is minimal. And at night... well... I don't suggest it, that's all.

    - Badtux the Well-armed Penguin


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