Monday, July 07, 2008

Thoughts On Feminism

Some people nowdays seem to think that feminism is a plot by some radical men-hating women who want to take over the world and eliminate all men. At least that's the impression you'd get from reading the right-wing media and blogs. For instance, it seems like their favorite word is "femi-nazis". Nothing could be farther from the truth.

In truth, feminism is the simple belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men do. We were all taught in school that everyone is equal, but then we became adults and found out that some people are more equal than others. Sadly, this fact has been accepted by many of our citizens as something that cannot or should not be changed.

I refuse to accept that, and I guess that makes me a feminist. Our constitution tells us that all people are to be treated equally, and we should not accept less than that. If one citizen is denied equality because of their sex (or race, age, religion, etc.) then we are failing to live up to America's true potential. That should be unacceptable to all Americans.

While I truly believe everything in the above paragraphs, there is another reason that I have for being a feminist. The beautiful young lady in the picture above is my daughter. If I had no other reason to believe in feminism, she would be enough. I will never accept that she should have less rights or opportunities than any man.

I have a challenge for all you fathers out there who consider yourselves to be conservatives (and would never admit to feminist views). I'll bet you have a picture in your wallet of your daughter, neice, sister or granddaughter. Take it out and look at it.

While you're looking at the picture of that beautiful person, ask yourself if she should have complete control over her own body just as a man does. Ask yourself if she should have equal pay for equal work. Ask yourself if she should have the opportunity to rise as far as her talent and hard work will take her.

Whether you want to use the term or not, if you answered yes to those three questions then you're a feminist. If you didn't, then you're not much of a father (or uncle, brother or grandparent).

Can you really look at that picture and deny her equality?


  1. Nice. Great post. As a woman, thank you.

  2. Well said.

    By your definition I would be a feminist, but I tend to define myself more as a feminist ally.

  3. LT-

    Is there really any difference between a feminist and a feminist ally? Don't both believe the same thing?

    By the way, I added your excellent blog to the listings at BlogNetNews yesterday.

  4. jobsanger - great post. You highlighted the dichotomy that is conservatism. Or is it hypocrisy? Whichever, I have a daughter too, and I'll stand up for her rights to be treated equally every day I'm on this planet.

    I must be a feminist too.

  5. Yep. I definitely have the most kick ass father on the planet.

    Thanks for this, Dad. You didn't say anything I didn't already know about you, but I love that you've always been willing to say it publicly. All daughters should be so lucky.

  6. jobsanger,
    As a stepdad of two twenty-somethings and now the proud "opa" of a 7-month old granddaughter (her mother assures me she's not my "step" granddaughter) I couldn't agree with you more that each one of the them should "have equal pay for equal work ... [and] ... have the opportunity to rise as far as her talent and hard work will take her."

    I also agree that each of them "should have complete control over her own body just as a man does." Whether "her own body" includes the body of my granddaughter during the nine months she was developing in the womb of my stepdaughter is debatable (different DNA = different human being), but being "pro-choice," I "choose" not to open that can 'o worms at this time.


  7. (By having to reboot my computer, I just lost the continuation to my first comment, which I'd saved to the clipboard. So I'll have to try and reconstruct it.)

    The problem I see is that there's no clear concensus that feminism is "the simple belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men do." So-called "gender feminists" like Carol Gilligan and Catherine MacKinnon have hijacked the movement, and in so doing, have hurt not only boys and men, but the very girls and women for whom they claim to advocate.

    In her 1994 book, Who Stole Feminism?, Christina Hoff Sommers documents the faulty evidence used by "gender feminists," as well as their even faultier prescriptions. Here's a link to customer reviews of her more recent book, The War Against Boys.

    It's these "gender feminists," not feminists by your definition, that conservatives refer to as "femi-nazis."

  8. I still think if we guarantee women equal rights and opportunity, your so-called "gender feminists" would be left without an argument.
    Don't let a few radicals turn you away from doing what is right.

  9. I think your optimistic view about gender feminists (i.e. just treat women equally and they'll go away) ignores the fact that their theories already have a strong foothold in our educational system.

    Read some of the customer reviews I linked to (especially the second one about teacher in-services and the seventh or eighth one by a "37-year-old professional female") and I think you'll agree that it's a problem that can't be simply ignored.


    I know, I'm a lousy neighbor, I don't come around nearly often enough, but I just HAD to come see this one (you've got a great in-house P.R. agent!) and it's all she described and more.

    And amen to everything that she said and then some. She is DAMNED lucky to have a dad like you, and she's a smart woman who knows that and appreciates the hell out of it.

    Although some of y'all's other relatives, well, I'd never wear Aqua Net hairspray around them, as I've heard that they're quite incendiary... heh heh heh...

    Gonna be blog-whoring your ass off over to the MOB.

  11. Welcome neighbor! It's always nice to have the legendary Anntichrist S. Coulter pay us a visit.

  12. Hoff Summers is as feminist as I am a rock star.

  13. CC,
    Have you read any of her books? Her research is absolutely meticulous.

  14. I love this post as well. The thing I think people fail to see is that men are oppressed as long as women are as well.

    An underpaid and stressed out woman is not able to be the best woman she can be and this trickles down to children, husbands, parents, and friends. Any man who feels more powerful because a woman is below him in some manner has my pity.

  15. I agree, Freida. Furthermore, there is no one as attractive or more fun to be with than a strong woman who knows her own mind.


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