Sunday, August 03, 2008

Confederate Flag Problems

It hard to believe anyone would want to fly the confederate flag in this day and age, but a couple of Northeast Tarrant County guys were doing it. You would think they are old enough to know better -- one is 57 years-old and the other is 62 years-old. At least they were too embarrassed to let the newspaper use their names.

The 62 year-old lives in Bedford, and flies both the American and Confederate flags in his back yard on 16 to 18 foot poles. During the night, someone entered his back yard, took the confederate flag, burned it and left it on the front porch with a threatening note. The note said something about finishing what General Sherman started. He put a new flag up the next day.

The 57 year-old lives in the neighboring city of Hurst and also flies the confederate flag. He woke up about 2:00am to find a four foot cross burning in his front yard. There was a note on his front door that said he had a week to take down "the treasonous colors". He has taken down the flag to avoid further trouble.

I don't know why these guys flew the confederate battle flag, but I wouldn't bet against them having some racist tendencies. I'm sure they'll have some story about honoring their Southern heritage, but the fact is that the flag stands for racism to a majority of Americans. I know when I see a confederate flag, drawing or decal, the first word that comes to mind is "racist".

I don't approve of what the night vandals did. No one should trespass on someone else's property and destroy their belongings or threaten them. But these guys have to be stupid if they think they can fly a confederate flag in an urban area and not have someone retaliate. To a large segment of the population, the flag is both an insult and a threat.

This is just another reminder that we are a long way from solving the racial problems in this country. They will never be solved as long as confederate flags are flying.


  1. I can't believe so many are opposed to allowing others their 1st Amendment rights.

    This fellow seems cool with it:

  2. What if I don't like MLK street names should I tear down the street signs? You say you don't sanction such but you do and please

    Tell me WHY you think the Confederate flag is racist?

    Tell me WHEN you began to think that way?

    All my life we have loved the Confederate Flag and waved it proudly, but now we can't WHY?

  3. Anonymous -
    1. You can, as long as you're willing to pay the price for breaking the law.
    2. Because it represents a country willing to kill to defend slavery.
    3. I have always believed that.
    4. You can, but why would you want to fly a symbol of an enemy of the United States, and one that's considered an insult by a majority of Americans and a threat by many others?
    P.S. - I notice you're too ashamed of it to reveal your identity.

  4. Even though Tennessee had beautiful land, we didn't buy there. For the most part, it was because those confederate flag abominations were everywhere.

    I know that racism is still a part of our lives but people opposed to such hateful philosophies must speak out and turn away from even the symbols of hatred such as this flag represents.

    There is much about the south to be proud of and to celebrate. The kidnapping, torturing and enslavement of people of color is not something that should be celebrated or embodied in a flag. To deny that the confederate flag is such a symbol is to deny that the suffering ever happened.

    Seeing that flag sets my teeth on edge.


  5. I personally think who ever did this is a badass! The confederate flag is not only racist it's anti-american. It marks the south breaking away and starting a war with America. If i were to fly an Iraqi flag in my yard people, especially the guy who said he flew one all his life, would get really pissed off and try to do something about, why? because it's un-american. Who ever did this whether it was because racism or patriotism, stood up for what they believe in and their country and for that i commend them. Good job, and thank you for serving our country greatly!

  6. You guys need a history lesson. The north dident like blacks any more than the south. The only reason they wanted to get rid of slavory is so they could get jobs insted of people getting slaves. Most the people who fly the flag now want to honor thir herritage or honor the poeple who fought for what they belived in. And the only reason raicist groups still use the flag as a rasist symbol is because so many people think that thats what it is.

  7. If the US had lost the Revolutionary war, the american flag would be viewed in the same way that the confederate flag is now. Hatred against the British King. Everyone who flew an american flag would be seen as a racist, traitor, etc against our government situated in England. Just a difference perspective I guess. Would you want to still fly the american flag if your ancestors fought with washington and died trying to defeat the Redcoats? It all has to do with interpretation and which side of the argument you are standing.


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