Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Republicans For Obama

The Republican presidential nominee-to-be, John Sidney McCain, has made a big deal of going after disaffected Democrats who had supported Hillary Clinton. Of course there is no evidence so far that he will be successful in this venture. But it looks like McCain has some trouble with voters in his own party.

We already knew that a lot of the fundamentalists and social conservatives were unhappy with McCain, and many are trying to decide whether they'll just stay home on election day. Now it looks like he may be having some trouble with the moderates in the party.

On Tuesday, a new group was unveiled -- Republicans for Obama. The driving force of the group are former Iowa Rep. Jim Leach, former Rhode Island Senator Lincoln Chafee, and former Bush advisor Rita Hauser. The group will be working to win support for Obama in states that usually support a Republican for president, such as North Carolina, Virginia, Iowa, Ohio, Florida and Colorado.

Jim Leach said, "This is simply not a time for politics as usual." Lincoln Chafee added, "It's a different John McCain, saying, 'Make the tax cuts permanent'. His foreign policy has been consistently Bush-Cheney."

Rita Hauser said that among Republicans she knows, "A very large number of us feel deeply that John McCain, good man that he is, will be a continuation of Bush" and "that is something that we are strongly opposed to."

Even the Republicans know that a McCain presidency would just be a third term for the failed policies of George Bush.

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