Tuesday, September 02, 2008

McCain Continues To LIE !

While John Sidney McCain is still trying to push the proposition that he is a "straight-talker", it is becomiong more evident with every passing day that McCain does not mind telling lie after lie to get elected president. Consider his appearance on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.

Wallace actually had the cajones to ask McCain why he had voted 19 times against the federal minimum wage. McCain first tried to play it off by talking about cutting taxes (which means little or nothing to those unfortunates making minimum wage or less).

When Wallace pressed him for an answer about his anti-minimum wage votes, McCain then said the only reason he had voted against it was because it had been attached to a bill that he opposed. That's a LIE!

There have been at least 15 times that McCain has voted against the minimum wage
in a stand-alone amendment or bill. He even voted against a non-binding senate resolution calling for a raise in the minimum wage.

McCain then assured Wallace that he supports "a living wage for all Americans". Maybe McCain does not understand what a "living wage" really is. After all, he and his wife are worth more than $100 million and own multiple homes. Neither of them have shopped for groceries, put gas in a car, paid rent or had to live off a salary for many years.

But I suspect it's just a lie. I can't believe that even the rich actually believe that the minimum wage (or less as he wanted) is really a "living wage", even for single people.

In that same interview, McCain also told Wallace that he opposes torture. After his experiences in the Vietnam War McCain should oppose torture, but the sad fact is that he doesn't.

When Congress tried to pass a bill that would outlaw "waterboarding" as an interrogation technique that could be used by the CIA, McCain voted against the bill. That means he voted to allow "waterboarding" to be used. When the bill passed, McCain then urged Bush to veto the bill (which he did).

For a "straight-talker", McCain sure does lie a lot!

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