Sunday, November 02, 2008

Alaskans Say McCain Should Apologize

There was a time when both parties agreed in Alaska that the "troopergate" scandal should be thoroughly investigated. Both Republicans and Democrats in the Alaskan Legislature thought a bi-partisan investigation was necessary. But that was before John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his vice-presidential candidate.

The whole landscape changed when she was the chosen one. McCain sent political operatives and out-of-state lawyers to Alaska, and the bi-partisanship disappeared. McCain began to paint the investigation as politically-motivated, and smeared anyone who didn't agree with Palin's version of the story -- especially the man she had fired because he wouldn't use his office for Palin's personal vendetta.

Now there are some Alaskans who believe McCain owes an apology to Alaskans for his slimy actions, especially to former Public Safety Director Walt Monegan.

Former House Speaker Gail Phillips and Former Senate President Chancy Croft believe McCain is responsible for trying to kill the investigation, and former smearing the good name of Monegan. Phillips is a Republican and Croft is a Democrat.

The two have issued a joint statement that says, "It's unconscionable that an outside campaign organization which had no knowledge of the history, background or understanding of an Alaskan issue would come to our State to destroy the reputation and life of a dedicated Alaskan public servant."

Of course, Phillips and Croft are right. The actions of McCain and his staff were wrong. But I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that apology. This campaign has shown he has a pretty nasty mean streak.

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