Saturday, November 08, 2008

Not Nearly Good Enough !

I thought something was finally going to be done about the disloyalty of Joe Lieberman. After being allowed to be a part of the Democratic Caucus, the turncoat senator spoke against the Democrats and their nominee at the Republican National Convention. He then traveled with the McCain campaign as it slandered the Democratic nominee -- Barack Obama.

He needs to be kicked out of the Democratic Caucus for this unacceptable behavior. When Lieberman met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid a couple of days ago, I was thrilled. It looked like something would finally be done about the little weasel.

But I was wrong. Once again, Senator Reid shows he doesn''t have much of a backbone (if any at all). All he did was tell Lieberman that he might be removed as chairman of the Homeland Security Committee, and allowed to be the chairman of the less high-profile Veterans Affairs Committee.

Lieberman said that proposal was "not acceptable". For the first time in years, I agree with Lieberman. That proposal is totally unacceptable! He should not be allowed to be chairman of ANY committee. Those chairmanships should be reserved for loyal Democrats. In fact, Lieberman should be kicked out of the Democratic Caucus completely.

If this is the best Senator Reid can do, then maybe it's time to pick a new Majority Leader for the Senate Democrats.


  1. Lieberman received an educational deferment from the draft during the Vietnam War. Call me a right-wing nut, but it seems to me that they ought to find an actual veteran to chair the Veterans' Affairs Committee.

    Also, that committee should be higher profile. W has mistreated the veterans rather badly, and it doesn't look like change to use the committee that represents them in the Senate as a place to consign Joe Lieberman to oblivion.

  2. I agree. To consider the chairmanship of Veteran's Affairs to be a punishment for Lieberman is to continue to abuse our veterans.
    With two wars going on, this should be considered one of the most important committees.

  3. This has been brewing for a long time. The anger against Joe Lieberman goes back to 2006.

    He was not the only Senator who continued to support a forever occupation. There were others. But even then he was unique as a Democrat in going out of his way to taunt those whose support he demanded.

  4. Reid must go if he can not do what is necessary to rid the party of this turncoat Lieberman.

  5. Lieberman should have been gone, consequences be damned. I can't see how you can let a traitorous turncoat still wield decisive influence in the party he stabbed in the back. Reid should have shown some 2 years ago, and waffling in this way now is just absurd.

    Strip ALL of his committee assignments and let him caucus with the Republicans. They deserve each other right now.


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