Thursday, March 05, 2009

Another Dubious #1 For Texas

Texas has another number one ranking, but it's an honor I think most Texans would rather do without. According to a study by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, Texans pay the highest homeowner insurance premiums of any state in the nation.

And they don't mean just a little bit more than other states. The average yearly premium in Texas is $1409. But the national average for yearly premiums is $804. That's a whopping $605 difference (and premiums certainly aren't going down any).

It's just another example of what happens when a state government is controlled by Republicans. They make sure that their corporate insurance buddies make enormous profits, while mouthing platitudes to the public about "capitalism", the "free market" and "competition".

The Republican-controlled legislature is currently considering ways to "tighten" insurance regulations. Frankly, I don't know if Texans can afford any more "help" from Republicans. Remember their electricity deregulation that was going to increase competition and lower rates -- that resulted in the highest electric rates in the nation.

It might be best if the Republicans stopped trying to help, since it always makes the corporations richer and the citizens poorer.

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