Thursday, March 05, 2009

Rove Will Testify before Judiciary Comm.

For the last two years, the House Judiciary Committee has been trying to get Karl Rove and Harriet Miers to testify about White House involvement in the politically-motivated firing of nine U.S. Attorneys by the Justice Department. Until this year, both were protected by George Bush who claimed "executive privilege". But their protector is now gone, and it looks like they will now have to testify.

Rove and Miers saved a little face by claiming they have negotiated a "compromise", but the only thing that compromise gives them is to let them testify in a closed door session -- and even then the committee reserves the right to call them back in an open-door session. Other than that, the Judiciary Committee pretty much got everything it wanted.

The testimony will be under oath and subject to the penalties of perjury. The testimony will be transcribed in full, and after the testimony has been finished, those transcriptions will be released to the public.

Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. John Conyers (D-Michigan) said of the agreement, "This is a victory for the separation of powers and congressional oversight. It is also a vindication of the search for truth. I am determined to have it known whether U.S. attorneys in the Department of Justice were fired for political reasons, and if so, by whom."

Good work Rep. Conyers! Now go after these two and get the truth out of them. It is important that the crimes of the Bush administration be exposed to prevent a repeat performance by a future administration.

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