Friday, April 10, 2009

Amarillo Approaches 200,000

As you drive into Amarillo, there's a sign that says the population is officially 173,627. I moved up here about 2 1/2 years ago and my job takes me all over the city. I have always believed the population has to be a lot closer to 200,000 than to 173,000. It looks like my feeling has been verified.

City planners say Amarillo is experiencing a slow but steady growth rate of 1 % to 2% a year. They figure the city now has about 191,514 people. Although the city is approaching 200,000, they don't believe it will reach that point by the next census in 2010.

These city planners are breathing a sigh of relief, because if the city reaches 200,000 in the next census then they will lose about $1 million in funds for city transit from the Federal Transit Administration.

Personally, I think they'd better be looking for a way to replace that $1 million. I believe it's a definite possibility that if an accurate count is done for the 2010 census, including undocumented immigrants, the city may already be at the 200,000 level. Even in this poor economy, there's a lot of building going on here -- especially in the southern and western parts of the city.

I guess we'll find out who's right next year. What do you Amarillo resdents think? Will we reach 200,000 by next year, or not?

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