Friday, April 03, 2009

Chavez Would Accept Gitmo Detainees

To his credit, President Obama has declared that he's going to shut down Guantanamo Bay detention facility. But to do that, he needs to do something with the detainees being held there, and there are only two options -- convict them or release them. If we have evidence (that wasn't obtained or tainted by torture), then we should convict them and put them in a federal prison. The others should be released as soon as possible.

It's the ones that need to be released that pose a problem. Many of them cannot be sent back where they came from because they would probably be oppressed (such as the Uighars from China who have been declared not guilty of any crime). The problem is that no one, including our allies, have declared their willingness to accept these detainees. They can't be released until some country is willing to accept them.

Maybe that problem has been partially solved. While visiting Qatar the other day, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez (pictured above) said he would be willing to accept some Guantanamo detainees. He told Arabic TV, "We wouldn't have any problem in taking in human beings."

When asked about the offer, a U.S. Justice Department spokesman said, "The United States has not received a formal offer through diplomatic channels to resettle detainees to Venezuela, and is not contemplating resettling detainees to Venezuela." All I have to say about that, is maybe they better start considering it and get some talks going through those diplomatic channels. I don't see anyone else making any offers.

Some are saying he's just trying to embarrass the United States, and others are saying he's just trying to get some publicity for himself. WHO CARES? I say take him up on his offer and give him as many as he'll take. If he'll actually take some off our hands, that's great. If he's just bluffing, then call him on it and he's the one who'll look bad.

We really can't afford to ignore any offer received. And so far, this is the only offer we've had. I realize many Americans don't like Chavez, but that's a poor reason to turn down any offer of help. Every day that Guantanamo stays open makes America look worse.

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