Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Militia For Amarillo ?

Do you believe Amarillo needs an armed citizen's militia? Eric Dingus, a local business owner, thinks it does. He called a meeting Thursday evening at the city's Southwest library branch to try and get the organization off the ground. He's even written a set of by-laws for the organization.

Dingus says he wants to better the Amarillo community. I have to wonder though just how an armed militia can make a better community. When asked, he replied, "We were built on a lot of good principles - honesty, hard work, integrity, and I just hate to see those things leave this area, I really would hate to see that."

That sounds good in a general sort of way. I'm sure most of us would agree that honesty, hard work and integrity are good things. But again, just how is an armed citizen militia going to promote these things? Are they going to show up on your job with guns and demand you work harder or be more honest? That's just silly. It really sounds like he's just found some words that people can't argue with, and he's using them to establish his own little army.

Dingus went on to say the militia could help in natural disasters or in the event of an attack in this area. I really doubt that Amarillo is in any imminent danger of being attacked, and even if it were, I'm sure the police department, the state troopers and the National Guard are perfectly capable of dealing with it. The same goes for a natural disaster. I doubt that a bunch of armed civilians would help either situation.

The truth is that most modern militias are right-wing anti-government (and usually anti-immigrant and anti-minority) organizations. They see a country that is becoming more equal as being a threat to themselves. I have to wonder if that's the same kind of motivation behind Dingus' efforts.

The fact is that Amarillo is doing just fine without an armed militia. Frankly, the thought of a group of untrained and armed-to-the-teeth men and women creating their own little army in this area is very frightening.

I wish I could say that no one showed up at the meeting, but that wouldn't be true. About a dozen people showed up to hear what Dingus was proposing. That's not a lot, but it would make a start. I hope the police keep their eye on this group, because it looks like this may be the beginning of a very dangerous situation.


  1. I really doubt that Amarillo is in any imminent danger of being attacked

    Those of us who were children here in the 70s and 80s grew up assuming that Amarillo was constantly in imminent danger of being attacked because of Pantex.

    Of course, Dingus' militia would not have helped much against the nuclear Soviet missiles we were expecting.

  2. Militias are part of the Constition and history of this country, forming one is always a good idea and its a shame most of the country has gotten away from them. An Armed Citizens Militia as you call it was INTENDED by the Founding Fathers, as explained in the Federalist Papers.

    You sound like a left-wing humanist, someone who would support gun control, feminists, abortion, and is probably agnostic at best and atheist at worst. I hope God will open your eyes to the government encroaching upon our Liberties.

  3. Wow that's a list of things you are Job's anger...a Humanist... Sounds like someone has been listening to talk radio and can't figure out that he's a human too.

    Hey I've got an idea. How about if you want to own a gun you automatically get inducted into what we have now instead of militias. The Army.

    Hey he didn't add Socialist to that list. Didn't you forget one of the dittohead diatribes Soldier of Light?

  4. A number of citizens in Amarillo are supporting this militia because they are tired of politicians chipping away at our freedoms. Politicians today are mking too many decisions without us, and at some point, it has to stop. We have to be ready for whatever comes our way. We have to be ready to retain our rights regardless of the cost the way our forefathers intended. I don't want to insult you, but it seems you make a lot of statements about things you know nothing about. I'd prefer to be with a group of people you see as "dangerous" who know what they stand for as opposed to a member of some flock that can't think and see what is going on for themselves. Right now, the militia may be few, but at least they stand for something. They are willing to take advantage of their rights to save them, as opposed to you who takes advantage of freedom of speech, yet refuses to fight for it.

  5. I had no idea things were that bad in that part of the counrty to need a militia.


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