Monday, April 13, 2009

Navy Rescues American Captain

It looks like the Somali pirates made a huge mistake by not releasing the American ship captain (pictured) they were holding hostage after they lost control of his ship. They should have turned him loose and ran for their lives before the U.S. Navy arrived, but evidently these pirates weren't too bright.

It looks like they actually thought they could negotiate with the United States Navy. They were wrong. They had a chance to live even after the Navy arrived. When the captain made a break for freedom a couple of days ago, they could have surrendered. But they recaptured him instead and kept him tied up.

Yesterday, while one of the pirates was on board the Navy ship trying to negotiate, the other three pirates made a serious mistake by pointing a gun at the American hostage. Navy snipers were given the green light and killed all three of the pirates. They then took the remaining pirate in custody and freed the hostage.

Kudos to the Navy for a job well done. Any pirate stupid enough to mess with an American ship in the future should receive the same treatment. If this would happen every time they take a ship (or even try to take one), it wouldn't be long before the pirate problem would be solved.

Also congratulations go out to the French for re-taking their yacht and killing the pirates, although it is regrettable that a hostage died in that effort.

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