Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Panhandle Reps Vote Against Soldiers

We've been listening to Republicans talk for the last few years about how much they support our soldiers and their families. The Republicans here in the Panhandle of Texas are no different. To hear them talk, one would think they're willing to go the extra mile for soldiers who are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sadly, it looks like that was nothing but talk.

Rep. Marc Veasey (D-Fort Worth) decided the Texas Legislature needed to take some action to help soldiers and their families. He offered an amendment to SB297 (authored by Senator Leticia Van De Putte). The amendment would extend tuition benefits to the children of active duty soldiers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would help about 1000 children whose fathers and/or mothers are serving our country.

Now this would seem to me to be something we should be proud to do. Our soldiers certainly don't make much money for risking their lives for us, and it is only right that we could take this worry off their shoulders. Fortunately, most Texas representatives agreed and the amendment was overwhelmingly passed (as was SB297).

But guess who voted against the amendment and the bill. That's right -- all three of our Panhandle representatives. John Smithee, David Swinford and Warren Chisum (pictured) all voted against the amendment and the bill. The bill itself would let veterans, their spouses and children to pay the in-state rate for tuition regardless of how long they've lived in the state.

When it comes to actually supporting our soldiers and veterans, it looks like our Panhandle reps are all talk and no action.

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