Thursday, April 09, 2009

Republican Teabagging

Well, this is sort of shocking. It seems that thousands of right-wing Republicans are getting together for teabag parties all across the nation on April 15th, and a group of them are even getting together here in Amarillo -- in public! These Panhandle Republican teabaggers must have some stamina, because they're having two parties -- one at noon at the Potter County Courthouse and another at six at the Ross Street Post Office.

I always thought they were a little too insistent on their "abstinence only" talk -- sort of a "Methinks thou doth protest too much" sort of thing. But public orgies? I'd have thought they'd want to do this sort of thing behind closed doors.

But they are Republicans, and with leaders like Larry Craig and David Vitter, I guess I should have known it would eventually come to something like this. Must be about core Repub values.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,, just think about all those anal references El Oxy-Moron makes. Are you really THAT surprised?


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