Friday, May 01, 2009

Texas Senate Approves "Choose Life" Plate

The Texas Legislature just couldn't do it. They couldn't finish a whole legislative session without throwing a bone to the religious right.

On Thursday, the Senate passed a bill by Sen. John Carona (R-Dallas) that would create a new license plate that says "Choose Life". The vote was 22-9. The senators who voted for the plate said it was a pro-adoption plate and the funds from the sale of the plate would benefit adoptions.

That's a ridiculous assertion. However they may try to obfuscate the issue, this is political-religious bone thrown to social conservatives who are anti-abortion. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they would also create a "Pro-Choice" plate, but there is little chance of that. This is not about fairness (or adoption). It is about pushing a fundamentalist religious viewpoint.

I think the state can count on having to defend this action in a federal court. I seriously doubt if the Pro-Choice proponents will accept this without a fight.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they would also create a "Pro-Choice" plate, but there is little chance of that.Would you settle for "Choose Death"? :)


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