Saturday, July 11, 2009

Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder

This story proves that the old adage about beauty being in the eye of the beholder is certainly true. What one person likes, another might not like. In other words, there is no universal idea of beauty that is true all over the world.

At the same time the Miss World competition was being held in China, another beauty contest was being held in the African country of Burkino Faso. It was held because many African men do not like the Western idea of beauty.

Their contest was called Miss Pog-Bedre (large lady). The contestants "appeared before the audience in both traditional dress and a swimsuit. They were then asked to talk for five minutes on a topic of current interest. The winner (pictured) was Carine Riragendenwa -- a 27 year-old who weighs 117 kg. (about 245 lbs.). She won gold jewelry, a motor bike and a selection of African dresses. She will also get free hair-dos and clothing for a year.

The event was organized by Fatou Djiguiemde, and co-sponsored by Burkina Faso's Ministry for the Promotion of Women. They believe the contest proved that slender figures are not better.

Many African men like bigger women. In Nigeria, many brides-to-be are sent to "fattening houses", so they can put on some pounds to be beautiful for their wedding.

I'm certainly not going to argue with these men. I learned long ago that the only thing that makes a woman (or man) ugly is a rotten personality.

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