Tuesday, August 04, 2009

An Honorable Congressman

While Congress is in the thick of a debate over whether ordinary Americans will get a mediocre health insurance plan, they themselves have better health insurance than all but the richest Americans. Most Americans can only dream about the health care received by senators and representatives.

To begin with, Congressmen have the right to get free medical care at any federal hospital. They also have a choice of 10 insurance plans and HMOs. And those plans can't be cancelled because of pre-existing conditions and there is no coverage limit (meaning no congressman is going to be left with huge medical bills that could bankrupt them).

The most popular plan is Blue Cross / Blue Shield which costs the taxpayers $700 a month. There are 70 million underinsured Americans (Not to mention about 50 million uninsured Americans) who would love to be able to afford a health insurance plan as good as the one offered to Congress.

But while many congressmen are willing to keep that 120 million Americans at risk, they certainly don't mind having their own great government-provided insurance -- that is, all but one. There is one who has refused the government-provided insurance -- Rep. Steve Kagen (D-Wisconsin).

Rep. Kagen (pictured), who was a doctor in Green Bay before winning a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, says he will do without the insurance "until every American can enjoy the same coverage as federal lawmakers."

That decision is already costing him money. According to the Los Angeles Times, "Kagen recently had knee surgery, writing checks for more than $4,500 after bargaining for a reduced-rate MRI and a 50% discount on the operation. (He is still dickering over the hospital bill.)"

Rep. Kagen says, "If every member of Congress put their heads on their pillow every night like I do . . . knowing this could be the night I lose my house, we'd fix healthcare in a week." He's right about that. The reason Congress can stall and argue about providing affordable health care and insurance to all Americans, is because they already have it and are not affected by the stalling tactics.

I admire Rep. Kagen for the stand he is taking, and once this is finally over, I would be proud for some of my tax money to pay for his health insurance.

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