Monday, August 10, 2009


Found at the blog of The Atheist Blogger.

1 comment:

  1. what is prayer?
    it’s not about what you want -- it's about what's wanted from you

    God's lack of a direct response to prayer is not a response of 'no.' It's simply a non-response. To the priest-pastor-rabbi-imam it is important that “God” never respond. They'd be out of a job.

    To hear God speaking to you makes you a likely schizophrenic, not a likely saint.

    Jesus admonished his followers against prayer as asking-for-stuff -- "consider the lilies of the field" -- or prayer as public performance -- "they have their reward." Even the fiction writers of the so-called gospels knew to hedge their bets . . . how could a non-existent being respond?

    Prayer amounts to a purported alignment of a person's intentions with "the will of God." Or Yahweh, Allah, Ahura Mazda. Pick your favorite from the big-4 near eastern monster-theisms. They're interchangeable.

    Prayer, basically, is one fat red herring. The word 'prayer' simply gets redefined from let's-make-a-deal until the action it points to is rendered into attitude adjustment. Now the religious "authorities" have you. All that matters is your attitude -- are you prepared to submit to them as some god's proxy?

    So you have a problem with adapting to authority? -- well it's your problem. Or better yet, intones father-pastor-rabbi-imam, you are your problem.

    Religion and psychiatry are one in creating fictitious "illnesses" (sin/neurosis) for which each offers bogus cures at premium prices.

    the anti_supernaturalist


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