Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sanford In Trouble Again

The furor over his disappearing to visit his girlfriend in Argentina hasn't even completely died down and it looks like South Carolina's Governor Sanford is already in trouble again. This time it's for violating state law regarding his travel.

South Carolina has a state law that prohibits state employees (including the governor) from flying anything but economy class on business trips. But the AP has reported that the governor has flown several times in business or first class, and charged the state for it

State Senator David Thomas (R-Fountain Inn) investigated the charges and reports they are true. In 2006, Sanford charged the state for his first class tickets to London, and in 2007, he charged them for his business class tickets to China. Together, the two trips cost the state $13,700 more than if he'd obeyed the law and flown economy class.

The AP has also reported that Sanford has used a state airplane for private and political trips -- another violation of state law. Senator Thomas says he will be looking into those charges also. On Monday, Sen. Thomas said, "It could be perceived, if it's significant enough and a case can be made of it, to constitute a case for possible impeachment."

He doesn't think the governor would be impeached just for the airline tickets, but possibly for a combined charge. Breaking the law with the airline tickets, misuse of the state airplane and the trip to Argentina all together could make a powerful case for impeachment.

This guy might as well just admit he's a low-rent jerk and resign. Even members of his own party are starting to talk of impeachment.

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