Wednesday, August 12, 2009

School Officials Go Too Far

I believe school officials have a right to act in the best interest of their school. If a student disobeys established school rules, than that student should be subject to punishment. I think that can even be extended to certain off-campus activities that might damage the school or its reputation.

But a school district must be very careful in punishing students for off-campus or personal activities, especially if those activities have nothing to do with the school. When a school tries to punish a student for off-campus activity that does not have anything to do with the school, they could easily find themselves trampling on the rights of parents or students.

It looks like that is what has happened in Burleson, Texas (a small community of about 30,000 people about 12 miles south of Fort Worth). Officials of the Burleson School District have suspended 16 year-old Wendy Wessel from the school's drill team, because of something she posted on her personal MySpace page.

And what was this terrible thing she posted on her MySpace page? Was it the answers to a school test, or writings making fun of some school teachers? No. It was nothing to do with the Burleson School District. She simply posted some pictures of herself in a bikini -- a bikini that would be perfectly acceptable at any Texas beach or swimming pool.

I have to wonder what would have happened, if the local newspaper had taken a photo of teenagers at the local pool and Miss Wessel was in the picture wearing the same bikini. Would the school have suspended her? Probably not. And yet, the newspaper photo would be seen by far more local people than her MySpace page.

This school has overstepped its authority. They are now trampling on the girl's right to free speech, and on her parent's right to raise her as they see fit. They should rescind the suspension and apologize to the family.

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