Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is Palin's Book A Real Bestseller ?

A couple of weeks ago, right-wingers were celebrating the fact that Sarah Palin's new book, Going Rogue, was supposedly a best-seller. Even though it won't be released until next month, it was already ranked number two on Amazon because of the number of pre-orders.

Some bloggers doubted the bestseller status of the book. They said it would be strange, because bookstores are not reporting any special interest in the book (even in her home state of Alaska). It was suspected that conservative groups were trying to make the book look like a bestseller by pre-ordering large quantities (that they would later sell cheaply or give away).

This would not be the first book by a right-winger that was propped up in this way by organizational buying. It makes it look like the public is excited by these right-wing authors. It is also a nice back-handed way to funnel money to the supposed authors (like Palin).

Well, it looks like the doubters were right, and the giveaway has already started. The right-wing magazine Townhall evidently ordered a few thousand copies. They are offering to give a free copy of Palin's book to anyone who'll pay $34.95 to subscribe to their slanted little magazine.

And they aren't alone. Newsmax has jumped into the fray also. These right-wing nuts offer two different options for getting the book. Option One will sell you the book for $8.95 plus shipping and handling, and they'll throw in a free four-month subscription to their magazine.

Option Two costs a little bit more, but the Palin book is free. Subscribe to their magazine for $49.95 and they'll send you the book as a booby prize.

I seriously doubt these were the only two right-wing organizations that have been bulk-buying the Palin book. If anyone really wants Palin's book, all they have to do is wait a while. Pretty soon these books will be cheaper than a midweek small town newspaper, as all these organizations try to dump the books any way they can.

I don't think the publisher should rush to do a second printing.


  1. I know you've been waiting with bated breath:

    Palin Divorce Watch: Day 83

    (P.S. I would have posted this on Day 82, but my days calculator is on my work computer. I've since emailed the spreadsheet to my Yahoo! account so that I can fulfill my duties 24/7. lol)

  2. You had me worried. I was afraid we weren't going to get an update. :-)


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