Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hutchison Cries "Uncle" In Governor's Race

A year or so ago, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison decided she wanted to become the governor of Texas. She knew it would not be easy, because she would have to beat the darling of the ultra-right-wing, Rick Perry, to get the Republican nomination. She said at that time that she would probably resign her senate seat around the end of the summer to concentrate on campaigning for governor.

Most of us here in Texas know better than to take Hutchison at her word, and sure enough, a few weeks ago she did a bit of waffling and changed her resignation date to some time in November. Well, it's November now and Hutchison has changed her mind again. She now says she will keep her senate seat until after the Republican primary next March.

Announcing her plans to remain in the Senate, Hutchison said, "I am more determined than ever to become the 48th governor of the great state of Texas. But at the same time I must put what's best for my campaign aside and do what is best for our state. That is why I must stay in the Senate while running for the Republican nomination for governor."

That may sound good, but it's a huge load of crap. There's always something important going on in the Senate -- that's just the nature of the beast. The truth is she got a good look at the two latest polls that show her far behind Rick Perry, and she said "uncle". She saw that the odds were against her and she gave up.

She knows full well that she must come back to Texas and campaign full-time to have any chance of beating Perry in the primary. But if she resigns her senate seat and does that, she stands a good chance of being neither a senator or governor next year. So she has decided to keep the bird-in-hand and give up hope of snatching the one in the bush.

She'll keep spending her supporters' money and mouthing platitudes about wanting to be governor, but the race is now over. Rick Perry will be the Republican nominee for governor in the 2010 election. The only real question now is who'll be his Democratic opponent?

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