Sunday, November 01, 2009

NY Republican Withdraws From Race

The representative from U.S. House District 23 in New York, Republican John McHugh, was appointed and confirmed as Secretary of the Army. That necessitated an election to choose a successor to McHugh in District 23. The Republican candidate was chosen by the 11 Republican county chairmen in the district.

The Republican chosen was Dede Scozzafava (pictured), who was a state assemblywoman from the area. She was a moderate, and the Republican county chairs believed she could appeal to a large cross-section of voters and keep the seat in Republican hands. But then things started to get weird.

Scozzafava was supported by both the state and national Republican Party officials, but that wasn't good enough for the right-wing purists in the party. Noting her belief in choice for women and support of gay marriage rights, they decided she wasn't right-wing enough to be a good Republican.

Even many national right-wing Republicans like Sarah Palin, Tim Pawlenty and Rick Santorum came out in opposition to the official Republican candidate (Scozzafava). They chose instead the candidate of the New York Conservative Party -- a rabid right-wing teabagger named Doug Hoffman. Because of this, it started to look like a fairly safe Republican seat would now go to either the Conservative or Democratic Party.

Yesterday, that became a reality. Dede Scozzafava withdrew from the race and released her supporters to back another candidate. There is now no Republican candidate in what was once viewed as a fairly safe Republican seat.

Scozzafava said, "In recent days, polls have indicated that my chances of winning this election are not as strong as we would like them to be. The reality that I've come to accept is that in today's political arena, you must be able to back up your message with money, and as I've been outspent on both sides, I've been unable to effectively address many of the charges that have been made about my record. I hereby release those individuals who have endorsed and supported my campaign to transfer their support as they see fit to do so."

I have to believe this helps the Democrat, Bill Owens, more than it does Hoffman. The two candidates were running neck-and-neck with Scozzafava trailing. It is highly unlikely that the moderates who were supporting Ms. Scozzafava will jump to support the ultra-right-winger Hoffman. Those who do go to the polls will likely pull the lever for Owens. Although the district has been regularly electing a moderate Republican, a majority of the district did vote for Obama over McCain.

It is hard to believe the actions of these Republican "purists". They obviously desire to kick anyone out of the party that is not a right-winger -- no "big tent" for these people. This is exactly why the party is growing smaller with each passing day.

The fact is that there is not a right-wing majority in America, nor is there a left-wing majority (as much as I wish that were the case). For either party to win, they must appeal to that large segment of the population that considers itself moderate.

Personally, I hope the Republicans continue to boot the moderates out of their party. It will just mean more Democratic victories for many years to come.


  1. "They obviously desire to kick anyone out of the party that is not a right-winger -- no 'big tent' for these people."

    Unlike the Democratic Party, which, in an effort to win back the House and Senate majority at any cost, welcomed with open arms "moderate" Blue Dogs, many of whom now can't be counted on to support the Democrat agenda on issues like healthcare reform.

    How's the "big tent" working for you guys these days? Can you understand why conservatives are reluctant to trust "moderates" like Dede Scozzafava when we see how your so-called "Traitor Joe" betrayed your trust?

  2. Not a good comparison. While Scozzafava is a Republican, Lieberman is NOT a Democrat.

  3. On the contrary, I think the parallels between Scozzafava and Lieberman are remarkable.

    In case you've forgotten, it was the Democrats, under pressure from the "purists" in their party, that threw ol' Joe under the bus for being too pro-Iraq War (does the name Ned Lamont ring a bell?). Lieberman retaliated by endorsing McCain for President.

    Have you seen who Scozzafava just endorsed for the House seat from NY-23? I'll give you a hint: it wasn't Hoffman. Still think Dede is a Republican?

    Of course, there are some differences. Lieberman toughed it out and managed to defend his Senate seat in spite of the Democrats denying him the nomination. Scozzafava, who enjoyed the support of a handful of New York Republican Party elites and few others (except Newt Gingrich), dropped out of the race when it was clear that she didn't stand a ghost of a chance of winning the general election.

    And you call Sarah Palin a quitter! (BTW, Palin Divorce Watch: Day 93)

    You know I had to find an excuse to throw that in there. :)


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