Monday, November 09, 2009

Rep. Edwards Lacks Political And Moral Courage

House Democrats passed their version of health care reform on Saturday night. It was not the bill I wanted since I favor a government-run single-payer system, but it is not a terrible bill. It does accomplish some health care reforms that were badly needed such as doing away with "pre-existing conditions", allowing a person who changes his/her job to take their insurance with them, and stopping the practice of insurance companies dropping patients whose treatment proves to be expensive.

It also includes a public insurance plan as an option in a healthcare exchange, where clients can go to find low-cost insurance. The bill is far from perfect, but it is an important step on the road to providing all Americans with decent affordable health insurance.

Every single Republican, with the lone exception of Rep. Cao from the 2nd District of Louisiana, voted against health care reform. That was expected. Far more disappointing is the fact that 39 Democrats (blue dogs) voted against fixing our broken health care system and providing health insurance for all Americans.

One of those blue dogs who voted against health care was Rep. Chet Edwards from the 17th District of Texas (the Waco area). Here is how he explained his vote, "After listening to thousands of my constituents and carefully reviewing the legislation, I have made a decision to vote no on the House health care reform bill. Given the huge federal deficits facing our nation, I believe there is too much new spending in this bill."

Could he really mean that? Could he really mean that human lives are less important that keeping federal spending and taxes for the rich abnormally low? I don't think so.

The fact is that Edwards (pictured) represents a fairly conservative district. If he had voted for the health care reform bill, there is the possibility that he would not be re-elected. So he had a choice. He could vote to do the right thing and save millions of lives by fixing our broken health care system, or he could vote to save his own political hide regardless of the pain that could cause millions of Americans.

I believe he made the wrong choice -- the choice of a political coward. Do we elect our leaders to protect themselves, or do we elect them to do the right thing for the American people and make this a better country for all Americans? I suggest it is the latter.

I expect elected officials to vote in the best interest of all Americans -- even if that means they may be committing political suicide. But Chet Edwards (and the other 38 blue dogs) disagree, and believe the highest political good is self-preservation. That shows a complete lack of political and moral courage.

I actually supported Edwards in the 2008 election. Today, that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth, and it won't happen again.

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