Monday, January 18, 2010

Dobbs Won't Be Running For Office Now

When Lou Dobbs quit CNN (or was run off), it was widely rumored that he would be running for public office -- maybe even the presidency. He even admitted that he was considering it. But it looks like he has blown his opportunity now.

The New York Post is now reporting that Dobbs will not be running for any office in the 2010 elections. If he was going to run, he would have had to put together a campaign this month, and he has done nothing toward doing that. I think he's beginning to realize he's alienated too many groups of people.

While at CNN, he waged a racist campaign against Hispanics and immigrants. It made him popular with the teabagger crowd, but created a lot of bad feelings among Hispanics. After quitting (or being run off), he tried to fix that by speaking to Hispanics and denying what he had said on TV. But it didn't work. The Hispanics knew he was lying and it just made them trust him even less.

The only thing his lying overtures to Hispanics did was too lose him a large part of his teabagger base. So now he has liberal and moderate whites, African-Americans and Hispanics who would all vote in a block against him, and he doesn't even have the teabaggers to fall back on. It's been a long time since I saw a budding politician as bad as Lou Dobbs!

Rumors are flying that he wants to return to cable TV now, but he supposedly is asking for far more money than Fox News is willing to pay, CNN doesn't want him back and CNBC has said it has no interest in him.

It looks like he may have burned all his bridges.

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