Thursday, January 07, 2010

Radical Right Turns On Fox News

Most people in the reality-based world tend to lump all right-wingers into the same category and view them as one monolithic movement. But that is not really true, especially among the real nuts on the far right-wing fringe. Some of these people are even attacking their own now.

Anyone who really understands the meaning of "fair and balanced" understands that it is a joke to attach this term to Fox News. They are nothing more than a propaganda arm for the Republican Party and right-wing causes such as the teabaggers. In support of the right-wing, the Fox News Network doesn't hesitate to stretch the truth or even tell outright lies. But evidently that not good enough for some on the radical right.

Take the "birther" folks for instance. These nuts are convinced that President Obama was born in Africa and is therefore not eligible to be president. And they are not about to be deterred by trivial things like facts. The president's Hawaiian birth certificate and official statements from the state government of Hawaii (not to mention birth announcements in Hawaii newspaper records) are nothing to these nuts.

These charges are so outrageous that even Fox News cannot bring themselves to actively push this garbage alongside their other fairy tales. And that has the "birthers" angry. They are now openly attacking Fox News and accusing them of participating in this huge "liberal" cover-up.

Read the following quotes from Steve Cooper from the ultra-right-wing-fundamentalist blog called ATLAH Times. He's convinced that most of the right-wing commentators are conspiring with liberals to kill the birther story.

"The key to this cover-up is Fox News's compliance in keeping this story, the lawyers, the plaintiffs and the lawsuits out of the news so the American people are not wise to the details. People are very busy with their lives and they have no time to do research, so if the news keeps a tight lid on this it will go nowhere."

"Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly's assistance in this cover up has been huge. Obama owes them BIG TIME. Bill O'Reilly mentioned that his crack staff investigated this matter and they shut the door on it, but they NEVER publicly reported the evidence that he supposedly found. They are depending on their loyal audience to just take their word for it, but many people are waking up to the fact that they might be part of the cover up as well."

"The Fox News fans are loyal and they think that their heroes would never lie to them about any issue. Well, they are wrong, because they are lying about this issue."

"Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin want to stay in the good graces of Fox news, so they avoid the topic all together."

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