Thursday, February 11, 2010

Charlie Wilson Dies At Age 76

Former East Texas congressman Charlie Wilson has died of heart trouble at the age of 76. Most people will probably remember him because of Tom Hanks portrayal of him in the movie Charlie Wilson's War (which Wilson said was "too close to the truth"). Wilson was a progressive with a rather hawkish view on defense, and he is fondly remembered by many. Here are a few quotes:

Texas Governor Rick Perry -
"Charlie Wilson led a life that was oversized even by Hollywood standards. Congressman Wilson was fiercely devoted to serving his country and his fellow Texans."

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates -
"I had the unforgettable experience of knowing Congressman Wilson when I was at CIA and he was working tirelessly on behalf of the Afghan resistance fighting the Soviets. As the world now knows, his efforts and exploits helped repel an invader, liberate a people and bring the Cold War to a close. After the Soviets left, Charlie kept fighting for the Afghan people and warned against abandoning that traumatized country to its fate -- a warning we should have heeded then, and should remember today."

House Appropriations Chairman David Obey -
"Charlie was a man of courage and conviction who worked hard, loved his country, and lived life to the fullest. We will miss him."

Senator John Cornyn -
Wilson was "a lifetime public servant with a fiery passion for the people of East Texas, our men and women in uniform, our veterans and our freedoms. I have had the great privilege to work alongside him on several issues of importance to our veterans in Texas, and I will miss his leadership and dedication."

Texas Democratic Party Chair Boyd Richie -
"Many Texans like to think of themselves as larger than life, and Charlie Wilson truly was. Although much was written about 'good time Charlie', he was more than a good public servant -- he was a great public servant. Even Tom Hanks couldn't capture everything that was Charlie. In both Austin and Washington, Charlie represented his East Texas constituents with a commitment that was absolute and he always stood tall for Texas. Whether he was standing up for Texans here at home or those serving in the far corners of the globe, he was a great asset to our state and nation and he will be missed."


  1. he's the kind of guy that guys from jersey wish they were like.

  2. I can see why a lot of guys would like to emulate Charlie. When it was time to party, he partied hard. And when it was time to work, he worked even harder.

  3. I am a veteran and patient at the Charles Wilson medical clinic. He gave us the finest facility in the world.


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