Thursday, February 04, 2010

Citizenship Denied Over Veil

I found this story interesting, even though I know some people are going to disagree with me. They will claim that it's a violation of religious freedom, but for me, when it comes down to a choice between religious rights and women's rights, I will take the side of women's rights every time.

It seems that the French have denied citizenship to a muslim who wanted to join his French-born wife in France. Why did they deny it? Because he forced his wife to wear a full face veil. French Immigration Minister Eric Besson said the man was denied citizenship because "he was depriving his wife of the liberty to come and go with her face uncovered.

If foreigners marry a French citizen, they can become citizens as long as they integrate well in French society and have "good morals". Besson said the man's citizenship was denied on the "morals" part of the law.

Besson said, "This individual imposes the full veil upon his wife, does not allow her the freedom to go and come as she pleases, and bans her from going out with her face unveiled, and rejects the principles of secularism and equality between man and woman."

I say bravo! Mr. Besson made the right decision. Equality is an important concept in France, and this man has no right to force his wife into a second-class status, regardless of his religion. He has the right to be a member of any religion he wishes, but he does not have the right to deny his wife (or any other woman) her right to an equal status.

I wish the United States, a secular nation no matter what any fundamentalist says, would take women's rights this seriously. Religion should never be allowed to trump equal rights for anyone (women, minorities, gays and lesbians, etc.).

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