Sunday, March 07, 2010

Making An Art Of Stupidity

Everybody makes a mistake every now and then. That's just a part of being human. But there are some people who do such dumb things that it's like they're trying to elevate stupidity to a new and incredible level. They're almost making an art form out of being stupid.

For instance, look at this 47 year-old woman in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. She and her boyfriend decide to take her 3 year-old granddaughter to the city's zoo. That's a normal thing to do, and it could have been a good time for all -- but stupid interfered.

The woman evidently decided to show off for her granddaughter and feed a wild bear. It didn't matter that the bears were enclosed in a fence. It didn't matter that there was a large sign saying not to feed the bears because it was dangerous. She obviously thought she knew better than the zoo officials who put up the fence and the sign.

She stuck her hand inside the fence and tried to hand feed a large Asiatic black bear (see picture above). The bear promptly bit off her thumb and forefinger and partially severed two other fingers. Her boyfriend was also bit as he tried to free her hand (but he didn't lose any digits).

Just how stupid do you have to be to stick your hand up to a wild bear's mouth? Did she think the bear would gently nibble at the food and then kiss her hand in thanks? A statement issued by the mayor's office said there was alcohol involved, but that doesn't explain anything for me. I've been known to imbibe an alcoholic drink (or many), but I don't think I could ever get drunk enough to do this.

Police said the bear probably wouldn't be euthanized. I should hope not! The bear didn't do anything wrong. He/she was just being a bear. The fingerless woman must accept 100% of the blame for her stupidity. What's next? Kiss a cobra? Pet a tiger?

Is there any hope for a species capable of such stupidity?

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