Thursday, March 04, 2010

Moving That Football

This great cartoon found at Swiftspeech points out a sad fact -- Obama is no leftist.


  1. Actually, I think that Obama is still a leftist at heart; it's just that he's not consistently governing like one. I guess not everyone can be a Dennis Kucinich.

    I know this is probably small consolation to you, Ted, but there are also a lot of Republicans and Independents who voted for Obama who are just as disappointed. Ironically, not having voted for him myself, I've been pleasantly surprised in at least a few things he's done.

    I think the whole problem is that "hope" and "change" meant different things to different people. Like a Rorschach test, voters saw in Obama's upbeat message whatever they wanted to see. Now he's trying to be all things to all people in order to hold that tenuous coalition together. The result is that no one is particularly happy with him.

  2. Deed over creed. Who gives a fuck what's in his heart. He is no leftist; he's a corporate tool.


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