Sunday, March 21, 2010

Protesters Reveal Their Racist Beliefs

The teabaggers have been guilty of a lot of reprehensible behavior in trying to derail badly needed health care reform. At town hall meetings they have shouted down their opponents and refused to let them speak. They have carried offensive signs, and called their opponents names. They claim to want to restore democracy and patriotism, but their actions are the very antithesis of that.

But a crowd of teabaggers in Washington yesterday crossed the line and showed their true nature. Now they have the right to be offensive in this country, because we are a nation that believes in free speech. But language and actions, even when protesting, show the kind of person you really are. And these people showed themselves to be racists and homophobes.

As Rep. John Lewis (D-Georgia) walked to the Capitol, the teabagger crowd repeatedly called him a "nigger". Lewis (pictured) is a veteran and hero of the civil rights movement in this country, having put his life on the line for his fellow citizens and to make this country a better place. He does not deserve this kind of treatment [and this atrocious behavior was witnessed and verified by his fellow congressman -- Rep. Andre Carson (D-Indiana)].

Then Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-Missouri) received even worse treatment. He was not only called "nigger" repeatedly, but the crowd also spit on him. Frankly I wouldn't spit on my worst enemy. It's not only disgusting behavior, but it says more about the boorish and reprehensible nature of the spitter than it is an insult to the person spat upon.

This should come as no surprise to decent Americans. The teabaggers have always had a large racist element. In fact, I'm not even sure they are really that upset over health care reform and other Democratic programs. What they are really upset about is the fact that the United States has an African-American president, and there's not a damn thing they can do about it. The president could abolish taxes and give everyone a million dollars and these nuts would still be upset.

They are racists, and their behavior clearly showed that. And homophobes. They also unleashed their venom on Rep. Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) when he passed, calling him a "faggot" and a "homo". Rep. Lewis showed his magnanimous and decent nature by saying, ". . . it's OK. I've faced this before."

I'm not that nice. I think these racists are trying to force America back to a bad old time that decent Americans are happy to leave in the past. These creeps should crawl back under their rocks.


  1. Apparently, the tea party types are sensitive over this matter - I wrote on this last night, and by the time I woke up, a Texas-based teabagger had written a comment demanding that I produce a YouTube video of the epithets or else write an apology.

    I don't have a video, but did see the protests during a CNN report and have read a number of accounts from neutral MSM outlets.

    No apology was, is, or will be forthcoming.

  2. You have nothing to apologize for. Even Republicans on the House floor admitted today that the deplorable behavior did occur. The teabaggers should be more than sensitive - they should be ashamed.

  3. yeah, the republicans were so disgusted one of them called anohter one a baby

  4. I have no doubt that there were racists. Unfortunately, racists are prevalent throughout our society, and they should be spoken against. However, claiming that a group is racist because of some people who are there is ignorant. If that was the case, then all groups would be racist (eg: Sen. Byrd was in the US Senate, so the Senate must be racist, there are Black Panthers in the NAACP, so the NAACP must be racist; I don't think so).

    In addition, don't you think that you've grown beyond the frat party days of using derogatory terms to describe the people you disagree with ("teabaggers")?


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.