Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Today Makes Four Years !!!

Forgive me for the light blogging today, but it's kind of a holiday for me. Today is the fourth blogiversary of jobsanger. This blog was started on March 16, 2006. I can still remember being excited to see that 20 people were actually reading the blog. The fact that someone might want to read my ramblings was wonderful!

Since that time, the blog has been growing in readership -- not fast, but steady. It is still growing, and for that I sincerely thank all of the readers -- both commenters and lurkers. I love you all!!! jobsanger has now had over 4600 posts. And I've still got that "fire in the belly" and hope to continue blogging for a long time to come.

I would also like to thank BlogNetNews, Blogburst, Best of the Blogs, Lefty Blogs and other sites that list this blog. You guys have allowed me to reach thousands of new readers (even though those readers don't show up in my site statistics), and I really appreciate that.

On my first three blogiversaries, I reprinted my very first post. It wasn't my best, but it was my first. I guess it's sort of a blog tradition now, so here it is one more time:

Hello out there! This is my first blog and my first attempt at blogging, so if you do accidently drop by and read the blog, cut me some slack. I hope to get better over time. This is not meant to be a news blog. This is an OPINION blog. This is my place to gripe, whine or blow my top when I get disgusted with politics, religion or culture in general. I am a left-winger who is not afraid of the "s" word. If you prefer to call me a socialist, that is fine with me. I am not a religious person, but I believe all people should be free to practice whatever religion they wish or none at all. I don't get upset until you start pushing it down other people's throats. I am a political Independent, since I see both the republicans and democrats as being corporate owned. Although I am male, I am pro-choice and consider myself to be a feminist. I believe in EQUAL RIGHTS FOR EVERYONE [no exceptions]. That should give you some idea of where I'm coming from. If you do read this blog, I hope you enjoy it and come back from time to time. Thanks!


  1. Happy Blogiversary, Ted!

    I always look forward to this annual post because it reminds me that I'm another year older (for those who don't know it, jobsanger and Curious Texan both share the same birthday).

    As my sixth decade draws to a close today, I'm reminded of the 1975 hit single by the German movie star Curd Jürgens: "60 Jahre - Und Kein Bisschen Weise" (60 years - and not one bit wise). Maybe if I"m blessed with another 60, I might achieve some degree of wisdom - but I doubt it.

    Even though we rarely agree, Ted, I'm grateful for jobsanger. It's a forum where we can debate our ideas, occasionally find some common ground, and disagree without being disagreeable.

    My wish is that when March 16th rolls around next year, we'll both still be here - a little older, and hopefully a little wiser.

  2. Thanks CT. I hope your birthday is a happy one.

    As for getting wiser, I'm not sure that's the way it works. It seems that the older I get, the more questions I have (but then maybe that is wisdom).

    And I do appreciate your comments on this blog even though we seldom agree. Sometimes you make me laugh and sometimes you irritate me, but your comments are always interesting. Keep them coming.

  3. seems we all started about the same time..ain't it grand...? and glad your hear to keep me laughing..

  4. I hope to make it to 65.. then I'll finally get some healthcare. :)


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