Saturday, April 10, 2010

Gilbert Scolds Staples Over Biofuels

Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples decided the other day that Texas needs to do another study of biofuels. Evidently he thinks there haven't been enough studies and the voters would be happy to pay for one more. His opponent in the next election, Democrat Hank Gilbert (pictured) disagrees. He thinks enough studies have been done and it is time for action. Here is Gilbert's answer to Staples' suggestion:

"Todd Staples seriously believes, despite mountains of available research, studies, and projects relating to biofuels in Texas and around the nation, that what we need is another study? We don't need any more studies. It's time to take action."

"Why would we turn Texas' energy future over to some company that will essentially compile already available research? Texas has some of the world's foremost research scientists-and biofuels projects already underway through the Texas Engineering Experiment Station at Texas A&M University and ongoing efforts at the University of Texas at Austin. What purpose does it serve handing out state dollars to a private company to tell us what we already know-that Texas is ripe for biofuel production and confirm what we already know about which energy crops will work best in our state?"

"If all they are doing at this point is commissioning a study, why did it take them four months to do it? This study won't even run that long; the final report from it is due at the end of August."

"During that time, all that can be done is basically take existing research and compile it into a report. Why the state is spending money on a private contractor to do that is beyond comprehension. Why doesn't Todd Staples make use of the talented employees at TDA or even a panel of university researchers in Texas for this project? It isn't like they are being commissioned to actually grow any biofuels crops."

"We need action, not studies. Research has been ongoing for years-far more than will be accomplished by a four-month study. This is yet another example of Todd Staples trying to look busy in an election year. Voters will want to know why he's waited so long to take action on a critical piece of the energy future of this state."

1 comment:

  1. This was a very informative article about the dispute over biofuel on a commercial level. I think it's important for society and companies to understand the importance and relevance of using biodiesel fuel. People looking for more information should definitely check out


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