Sunday, May 02, 2010

Perry Inadvertently Helps Uninsured Texans

I know it sounds strange, but last Friday Rick Perry actually did something that is in the best interests of uninsured Texans with pre-existing conditions. He didn't mean to help Texas' uninsured citizens -- he was just pandering to his right-wing base as usual. But even though he didn't act to help the uninsured, the effect of his actions will nonetheless do that.

The new health care reform law passed by the U.S. Congress mandates that temporary insurance exchanges will be created in each state to help those high-risk persons who have been denied coverage by private insurance. These pools will remain in effect until 2014, when it will no longer be legal for private companies to deny coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. The individual states had until last Friday to submit their plans for this high-risk pool to the federal government.

On Friday, Perry informed the federal government that Texas will not cooperate and create the high-risk insurance pool. Perry said he was afraid that Texas would be stuck with the bill because of "the lack of program rules or reliable federal funding." He said this in spite of the fact that $5 billion has been set aside for the three-year program.

Texas is only one of 15 states that are refusing to set up the state-based high-risk pools. So how is Texas opting out of creating it's own high-rsk insurance pool with federal money a good thing? Wouldn't a low-cost option for insurance for those with pre-existing conditions be a good thing?

Yes, it would be a good thing. But Perry's refusal to adopt a state program does not mean that Texans won't have access to such a pool. It simply means that the federal government will set up the program in those states that are opting out. And I can guarantee you that a program set up by the federal government will be much better for ordinary citizens than anything created by Texas state government.

You have to understand that Texas is ruled by right-wing Republicans, and that is not likely to change in the upcoming election. Even if Democrats were able to take control of the Texas House (a possibility) and the governorship (much less likely), there is almost no chance at all of them taking over the Texas Senate. That means nothing will be done in Texas that doesn't have Republican approval.

And Texas Republicans are notoriously stingy when it comes to the health of ordinary citizens (Texas wouldn't even give its poor children insurance coverage until forced to do so by the federal government). While Texas Republicans are very willing to pony up many millions in corporate welfare, they can't seem to find a dime to help ordinary Texans.

If Texas Republicans created the high-risk insurance pool, you can be sure it would be a great deal for the huge private insurance companies and a bad deal for the people needing to use it to purchase health insurance. With the Republicans in charge, it's just the way things are done in Texas.

So, thank you Governor Perry. I know you were just playing politics for your right-wing base, but it will result in cheaper and better health insurance options for Texans with pre-existing conditions. It's an unintended, but very happy coincidence.

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