Monday, July 05, 2010

Depraved Westboro Baptist Coming To Texas

Texas has more than it's share of right-wingers and teabaggers. There is no doubt of that. So many, in fact, that some here in Texas have said that there are no crazier nuts than the ones found in the Lone Star State. But that is just not true. And to prove that point, Texas is about to receive a visit from the most depraved and indecent nuts in the United States -- the villains of the Westboro Baptist Church.

In their religious zeal to punish everyone who doesn't agree with them (and that includes about everyone), these horrible people have taken their hatred so far as to vilify American soldiers who have given their lives for their country and even demonstrated at their funerals -- robbing their loved ones of the ability to grieve in peace. There are few things that right-wingers and left-wingers agree on, but one of them is the belief that the Westboro Baptist Church has crossed all lines of decency and deserve nothing but contempt from their fellow citizens.

It has been learned that next week the Westboro Baptist Church will be coming to Arlington, Texas. They have said they are going to be there to demonstrate at the Fielder Road Baptist Church and the Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church. Why those two churches? A Westboro member writes that "those are big churches (read whore houses that masquerade as churches) and they stand in the shoes of all the churches in Arlington, TX and TX period."

When asked about their reaction to the visit, senior pastor Gary Smith of the Fielder Road Baptist Church said, "We're not going to mess with them. We aren't going to give them the time of day. We're just a church that loves people and wants to help people in need. If that's what they are angry about, we will wear that as a badge of courage that we have done what is right." The Catholic Church says they will do the same.

Readers of this blog will know that I am not a religious person, but it sounds to me like the two churches have chosen to react like true christians -- a reaction that their Jesus would approve of.


  1. We don't agree on much, Ted, but you're absolutely right this time.

    Like the old German Democratic Republic (which was neither German, nor democratic, nor a republic), the Westboro Baptist Church is neither from Westborough, Massachusetts, nor is it Baptist, nor is it a church.

    The Bible teaches us not to repay evil with evil, but with good. To respond in kind only plays into their hands.

  2. FYI the term tea bagger is a very derogatory term I would refrain from using it if you want to be more credible in you blog. I would provide the definition but will not do so because of the content.

  3. HS-
    I am well aware of the street definition for the term teabagger. But since these nuts first used the term themselves (probably without realizing what it meant), I see nothing wrong with using the term myself.

  4. Using your logic, Ted, that would give me every right to use the N word to refer to African Americans, since they use the term among themselves.

  5. Come on CT, you know the two words are not comparable. Teabaggers have made a choice to be what they are -- African-Americans had no choice.

    However, this is a country with free speech, so you can use any word you want to. But I would advise against it.

  6. Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where name calling wasn't necessary, where differences could be discussed rationally. A world in which there were no "fags," "niggers," "crackers," "democraps," "libtards," and yes, no "teabaggers" - just people with whom you could disagree without being so disagreeable.


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