Sunday, July 18, 2010

Real Reason For The Deficit

Just a little reminder of which president is responsible for most of our current (and future) deficit. From the blog ratboy's anvil 2.


  1. I fail to see--even allowing for your numbers here with no way to verify this--just how the non-discretionary budget will be nipped without political chaos, seeing that the ND budget is really the usual majority of spending. Check out the website of professional mathematician blog called Political Math for more detail on this.

    But almost certainly we know now that the CBO's numbers on HCR were pure bunk, the cost of that will be trillions more than projected based on the non-holy words of politicians, and in addition to CapnTrade glop at another 2 trillion in net costs, we've got some problems looming far large than fighting two wars. Which BTW we recovered from about 6 decades ago. The TARP spending has been a bust now that we are still seeing double-digit unemployment, and at some point the issue is not tax rate and revenue loss due to downturns (whatever that contribution) but the SPENDING, that is at the heart of this issue.

    So you are correct in part, but the problem would still be intractable even without the dual wars (which one of them even liberals said was the "good" war due to the direct connection to Qaeda terrorists' involvement).

    So the next time we're nipped by the Sons of Allah, on behalf of the budget we'll just stay home?

    Or, reduce the military down to a couple of sentry guards at the White House to save money and pay for the rest of the politically motivated glop, crap, and handouts to constituents??

    And as far as complaining about tax cuts, that is phooey, even if you think you've hit a gold mine here just because the nature of this chart says so by volume. As I said, the real issue is the SPENDING.

    Because, ya see, there MUST at some point come an halt, and the recognition the sky's not the limit, government does not create jobs per se outside of enlarging and aggrandizing its own ever-increasing bureaucracy (the only job growth under Obama other than money to casinos and paint for crossing guards in Delaware).

    Only with a reduction in spending can we get a handle on any of this. It's that simple.

    Obama is almost without question going to pitch for European VAT styled taxes on business, and has now plainly admitted the increase in taxes requisite to cover the HCR bill. But the devil in the details here is that that's not likely to be near enough for tens of trillions of bucks in the whole. Also, note that this is a busted campaign promise of the middle class not seeing a tax hike. It certainly will when the Bush tax cuts retire and we find out Cap-n-Trade and HCR expenditures will require the boost. Then again, it appears few people care about that class-warfare at this point.


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