Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Right-Winger Condemns Bush & Cheney

There must be a hole in the fence over at Fox News. Or maybe the keepers of Fox News' own weird version of current events just fell asleep as one of their steers jumped the fence and left their propaganda pasture. Either way, it seems like one of their regular pundits has forgotten their rules and is actually speaking the truth -- a truth that right-wingers are sure to be upset over.

Former judge (and I use that term loosely) Andrew Napolitano is a regular pundit and analyst (another term used very loosely) at Fox News. In the past he could always be counted on to back up the talking points Fox News was pushing no matter how insane or ridiculous they were. But Napolitano (pictured) must have been struck with a sudden bolt of honesty because he is suddenly making sense and talking truth.

Last weekend Napolitano did an interview with Ralph Nader on a C-Span program. In that program he expresses consternation that former President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney haven't yet been brought to justice for the crimes they committed while in office. Here are Napolitano's actual words:

"They should have been indicted. They absolutely should have been indicted for torturing, for spying, for arresting without warrants. I’d like to say they should be indicted for lying but believe it or not, unless you’re under oath, lying is not a crime. At least not an indictable crime. It’s a moral crime.

The evidence . . . is overwhelming when you compare it to the level of evidence required for a normal indictment that George W. Bush as President and Dick Cheney as Vice-President participated in criminal conspiracies to violate the federal law and the guaranteed civil liberties of hundreds, maybe thousands of human beings."

Although it bothers me to say so, I completely agree with Napolitano's sentiments. Both Bush and Cheney should have been wearing orange jumpsuits long ago (or whatever federal prisoners wear these days). What shocks me is to hear these words coming from the mouth of a right-wing pundit.

But I imagine this truth-telling will be short-lived. The folks at Fox News will "re-educate" him and get this maverick steer back in the propaganda pasture very soon. They just don't tolerate a deviance from right-wing talking points on that network.


  1. The Judge and that douchebag Jon Stossell are the libertarian bent of Fox "News". Napolitano has been off the reservation for a while promoting, off all things, Personal Liberty, transparency, accountability, questioning the FED, etc... I'm amazed that Rupert and Roger haven't "Lou Dobbsed" or assassinated him yet.

    Also, watch out for New Black Panthers, they are out to tear down white society --- Both Of Them! Megyn Kelly says so.

  2. holy shit...isn't that one of the 7 signs that the world is coming to an end?


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