Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Republicans Vote Against School Funding

Last week the Democrats passed a bill, which was signed by President Obama, that would help all of the states with education funding and save the jobs of many teachers. Amazingly, most Republicans in Congress voted against saving teacher jobs and more school funding. They have been using the reason of not wanting to increase the national deficit to vote against Democratic bills recently, but that reason won't fly in this instance.

This bill was deficit neutral since it was was offset by cuts in other areas, so it can only be assumed that Republicans are still trying to make the economy look as bad as possible before the November elections. A bunch of teacher layoffs would help them make that argument. It does seem like a very mean-spirited way to try and win an election though.

The last time the Democrats passed a bill to help schools and prevent teacher layoffs, the state of Texas effectively nullified the bill when the state Republican leaders cut state school funding by an equal amount. This time the U.S. Congress made sure that wouldn't happen. They passed an amendment to the bill, offered by Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas), that would make sure Texas fully-funded its schools before they could get the money.

Based on federal funding formulas, the National Education Association estimated that Texas would receive about $830 million and the jobs of 14,500 teachers would be saved in the state. But Texas Republicans followed their party brethren in voting against the bill and against Texas schools and teachers. They obviously don't agree with Democrats that education is the key to the future for this nation and its children.

Both Texas senators, John Cornyn and Kay Bailey Hutchison, voted against the education bill. Cornyn has always been a right-wing nut, and hopefully this will end any lingering belief that Hutchison might be a moderate. They were joined by 19 Texas House Republicans in voting against schools and teachers:

Louie Gohmert of Tyler, District 1 -- $20.3 million, 362 jobs.
Ted Poe of Humble, District 2 -- $14.6 million, 260 jobs.
Sam Johnson of Plano, District 3 -- $18.7 million, 332 jobs.
Ralph Hall of Rockwall, District 4 -- $16.9 million, 301 jobs.
Jeb Hensarling of Dallas, District 5 -- $16.1 million, 288 jobs.
Joe Barton of Ennis, District 6 -- $21.5 million, 383 jobs.
John Culberson of Houston, District 7 -- $10.1 million, 180 jobs.
Kevin Brady of The Woodlands, District 8 -- $16.6 million, 295 jobs.
Michael McCaul of Austin, District 10 -- $15.4 million, 274 jobs.
Michael Conaway of Midland, District 11 -- $20.8 million, 371 jobs.
Kay Granger of Fort Worth, District 12 -- $18.3 million, 325 jobs.

Mac Thornberry of Clarendon, District 13 -- $19.9 million, 355 jobs.
Ron Paul of Lake Jackson, District 14 -- $18.2 million, 325 jobs.
Lamar Smith of San Antonio, District 21 -- $14.1 million, 252 jobs.
Pete Olson of Sugar Land, District 22 -- $15.6 million, 278 jobs.
Kenny Marchant of Coppell, District 24 -- $14 million, 249 jobs.
Michael Burgess of Lewisville, District 26 -- $16.1 million, 287 jobs.
John Carter of Round Rock, District 31 -- $20.4 million, 363 jobs.
Pete Sessions of Dallas, District 32 -- $21.7 million, 387 jobs.

It is incredible to me that the Republican Party could vote against education funding, extension of unemployment benefits and reregulating the Giant Wall Street banks while supporting extending tax breaks for the rich. This should remove any doubts that they are the party of the rich and are willing to sacrifice ordinary Americans for a chance to return to power.

Any working American with half a brain should remember this when going to the polls this November.


  1. So School Districts have to cut their budgets on the local level because of the Obama economy but the Obama administration refunds it on the national level forcing the cost back on the taxpayers. This is welfare plain and simple. It is an attempt to buy votes for November and continue the drive toward socialism. I am a Republican and I think about the ramification on future generations. At what point will Obama bankrupt America.....We may have passed that marker already. Vote Smart.......Vote Republican.

  2. The Republican tax breaks for the rich would be much more damaging to the deficit than anything President Obama is doing. How is that smart?


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