Monday, September 13, 2010

Boehner Would Vote For President's Tax Plan

It looked for a while that some "blue dog" Democrats might abandon the president and their own party to side with the Republicans in giving the richest 2% of Americans a massive tax cut extension.   But the president has put his foot down and said he will not accept giving the richest Americans, the only people not really affected by this current recession, more tax cuts.   It won't help the economy, but it would balloon the federal deficit.   The president even hit the road to campaign for his tax cuts only to be for the 98% of Americans who really need it.

Finally, it looks like some common sense may actually reign in Washington.   It looks like the tax cuts will be extended for 98% of Americans and may well happen before the election.   There is no reason for the Democrats to back down or give in on this bill because a clear majority of Americans are in favor of eliminating the tax cut for the richest 2%.

It looks like the Republicans may also be recognizing the reality of the situation -- that they probably won't be able to help their rich buddies this time around.   On Face The Nation yesterday, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) admitted he would vote for the president's version of the tax cut extension.

Boehner (pictured) said,   "If the only option I have is to vote for those at $250,000 and below, of course I'm going to do that.   But I'm going to do everything I can to fight to make sure that we extend the current tax rates for all Americans."   I think Boehner sees that the Republicans have been put in a bad situation by the president.  

While Boehner and his Republican cohorts would still like to give the rich more money, they know they will be hurt in the coming election if they vote against a tax break for 98% of all Americans.   Just think of the great political ad that would make for the Democrats.

Good for the president!   It's about time he got tough with the Republicans.   They've gotten away with far too much because he was trying to be inclusive.   It's time to give them a dose of what they've been giving out.

1 comment:

  1. some one better look up his sleeves, cause I think he has a trick up one of them..


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