Thursday, September 16, 2010

More Stupid People

The picture above is of some activists that belonged to an organization call ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).   There were some right-wingers who thought President Obama won in 2008 because of voter fraud perpetrated by ACORN.   Of course the accusation was ridiculous.   ACORN was not large enough or powerful enough to affect an election with many millions of voters, and there is no evidence that any fraudulent voters registered by them actually cast a single vote.

But reality really doesn't mean much to a lot of people -- stupid people.   Take for example a recent survey done by Public Policy Polling between September 10th and 13th.   Among some more serious questions, they decided to toss out a silly question to just see how people would answer it.   They asked people if they thought ACORN would steal the coming election to keep the Democrats in power in Congress.   Here are the sad results:

Not sure...............40%

It's bad enough that 40% of the population weren't sure (maybe they've been living in a cave for the last year and heard no news).   But I'm absolutely appalled that 20% of the people answered yes.   And it wasn't just the Republicans.   Of the people who voted for McCain in 2008 about 23% said yes, and of the people who voted for Obama in 2008 about 18% said yes.

OK.   Let me straighten out some of you amazingly stupid people.   ACORN cannot steal the upcoming election for anyone because ACORN DOESN"T EXIST ANYMORE!!!   The organization has not existed for many months now.

Good grief people, read a newspaper or watch a news program once in a while.   Your ignorance is embarrassing the rest of us.

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