Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Elder Calls For Legalization Of Pot

As you know, California is voting on November 2nd to legalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.   The proposition (Prop 19) would also let adults grow a small plot of marijuana and let government entities tax and regulate the sale and transportation of marijuana.

This just makes sense.   Marijuana is probably the least dangerous of all the drugs, including many which are already legal for adults to buy and use.   And in this recession it would provide quite a bit of needed revenue for government.

For some reason, the Obama administration is opposed to the California proposition.   Maybe they are afraid they could lose the votes of social conservatives.   If so, then they are just being unrealistic, because they're not going to get those votes no matter what they do.   Attorney General Holder has said the federal government is going to continue prosecuting laws against marijuana even if Prop 19 is passed.   That would be a mistake, and could lose Democrats many votes among the young and among progressives.

There is one former government official however, who thinks the legalization of marijuana is a good idea -- Joycelyn Elders.   Ms. Elders (pictured), the former Surgeon General of the United States, has never been afraid to speak her mind and tell the truth, regardless of the consequences.

Elders says,   "What I think is horrible about all of this, is that we criminalize young people.   And we use so many of our excellent resources . . . for things that aren't really causing any problems.   It's not a toxic substance.   We have the highest number of people in the world being criminalized, many for non-violent crimes related to marijuana.   We can use our resources so much better."

Ms. Elders is correct.   We are wasting lives, misusing resources and throwing a ton of money down the drain in a losing battle against a non-dangerous drug.   It is time to stop that.

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