Thursday, October 21, 2010

No Thinking Allowed !

This picture contains a lot of truth -- not in what the sign says, but in the attitude of current religious leaders.   Christian leaders do not want their followers to do any real thinking and they discourage it at every opportunity.   Christians are not to think, but just to believe whatever their preacher, minister or priest tells them.   And other religions are no better.   Thinking for one's self is anathema to all religions, because thinking can lead to doubt and doubt can lead to enlightenment and truth.   The picture was found at the blog of The Good Atheist.


  1. The Assembly of God is by no means a good example of Christian thought - these are the guys who routinely murder doctors at abortion clinics. And to say that all religious people are discouraged from thinking is a pretty bigoted stance. You're never going to change people's minds if you have an image of those people as stupid, and you aren't going to even be able to have a civil conversation with them, though if you want to join the self-congratulatory atheism community on the Internet you're on your way.

  2. Your statement is a bad as the slogan you are refering to.
    In your text you impute every religious leader with "the evil". Just as those fundamentalists who give voice to ignorant and unchristian words you generalize your perception of reality. You polarize opinions probably only because you are not acquainted with religion and thus fight against something that you do not even know.
    This by the way is another coincident between your statement and the view of most fundamentalists.

    If you have a well-founded knowledge of faith its tradition and the complexe trends of religious systems please choose your words more carefully, otherwise do not make the same mistakes as the fundamentalists which we all have to fight against.

  3. opinions are like assholes..everyone has one..people that make blanket statements and hide behind anonymous names..should shut the fuck up.

  4. sorry Ted..I became like the ass hole I smacked..but at least I left my name.

  5. Immilling
    This sign is a representation of a church that has lost its way. What it is not, is a reflection of the Christian community. Not only are we created to think we are encouraged to do so. It is sad that there are some use a narrow and faulty view of God to uphold their faith. This sign is wrong in message as in intent. God wants us to think, evaluate our understanding of the world we live in, and choose if we are to follow Him. He will honor our choices, whether they include Him or not, and will love us despite ourselves. He will be faithful of the choices we make and will reward us in accordance of our choices. If you feel you are an atheist, and live apart from God, He won't impose upon you. You will be rewarded for your choice and remain apart from Him. Don't dishonor His love and respect for your choices by denigrating those who choose to walk His path. He will remain faithful to you, even when you won't return this faith.


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.