Thursday, October 21, 2010

Only The "Brown" Immigrants Are Unwelcome

Ever since Arizona passed their unconstitutional law designed to racially profile and harass Hispanics (in the hope of keeping Arizona white), several other states have been making noises about passing a similar law.   In Florida, a law has already been introduced.

Republican State Senator William Snyder introduced a bill last August that is very similar to Arizona's law.   Of course, Sen. Snyder claims the bill would not encourage racial or ethnic profiling.   He says that because he knows the Supreme Court has outlawed racial profiling by police or other government agencies.   But it is obvious that the only people the bill is aimed at are the people with darker skin.

How can I claim such a thing?   Easy.   This idiot senator actually wrote that into his silly law.   There is a provision of the law that would exempt anyone from Canada or a "visa waiver country" (which includes four Asian nations and all 32 Western European nations).   Anyone showing a passport from these countries (composed mainly of whites) is "presumed" to be in the country legally.

But anyone from any other country (meaning anyone with darker skin) must prove they are in the country legally.   That sounds to me like they have written a profiling provision into the law, while at the same time claiming that the law doesn't encourage profiling.

I, and many others, have been claiming for quite a while now that the current anti-immigrant fervor in this country has racial and ethnic origins.   It is meant exclusively for darker-skinned immigrants.   Senator Snyder removes any doubt in his law.   If you're Canadian or European (read that as white), you can stay whether you are legal or not.   But anyone from another country (and with a darker hue) is not wanted in Florida.

The sad part is that this law will probably pass.   Don't even try to tell me this is about protecting our borders.   It's just discrimination.


  1. There are no jobs here either. What jobs there are pay worse than ever or have greater workloads, and people have to accept them. There is too much legal immigration, let alone illegal. Most of the people I compete with for employment where I live are not citizens. And, yes, I do mean compete, daily. The percentage of citizen versus alien in the casual labor pool here is about 1:2. Most are lucky to get 2-3 days a week.

  2. Sorry, but I wonder how you expect to go about arresting illegals? Or should they be given amnesty, again (and again and again)?


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