Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alaskans Say No To Palin For President

Sarah Palin has been saying recently that she will run for president if no one else steps forward to further the teabagger issues she is promoting.   It sounds like she is starting to put out feelers to see if she has the support to run in 2012.   Frankly, all she needs to do is ask the people in her own home state, since no one can possibly win who can't even carry their home state.

And she would not be happy with what the Alaskans think of her.   Public Policy Polling asked Alaska voters just before the election who they would vote for if the Republican candidates in 2012 were Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, John Thune, Tim Pawlenty, Mike Huckabee, Mitch Daniels or Mike Pence.   Here is what they said:

Mike Huckabee...............17%
Mitt Romney...............16%
Newt Gingrich...............16%
Sarah Palin...............15%
Tim Pawlenty...............5%
John Thune...............2%
Mitch Daniels...............2%
Mike Pence...............2%
Someone else...............25%

That's pretty bad for home state numbers.   I don't think I'd run if I couldn't do better the 15% (and fourth place) in my own home state.   And she can't count on getting any of that "someone else" 25% (since 21% of people in the survey were Democrats and you can bet they are all in this category).   Looks like the people of Alaska have had enough of Palin.

And she doesn't look any better in a poll commissioned by Politico and done between November 8th and 11th.   Her favorability rating was even worse that former president George Bush!   Bush had a 38% favorability rating (and 54% unfavorable), while Palin had a 36% favorability rating (and 53% unfavorable).  

In addition, the poll showed that Palin would lose to President Obama in a general election by 13 points -- Obama (46%) and Palin (33%).   Her only saving grace is that the poll showed the other Republicans would also lose to President Obama (although Romney and Huckabee were much closer).

I think Palin will run anyway.   She just loves the limelight (and the money) too much.

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