Monday, November 01, 2010

Does Karzai's Corruption Extend To Drugs ?

It's been obvious for quite a while now that the puppet government the U.S. installed in Afghanistan is riddled with corruption.   Afghan President Karzai is taking money from both the U.S. and Iran (and who knows how many others) and funneling millions to his family and friends -- so much that they are buying huge homes in foreign countries like Dubai and amassing large bank accounts.

But Karzai's reaction to the latest drug raid in Afghanistan makes me wonder if the corruption might not extend to other illegal activities.   Last Thursday, the United States and Russian troops executed a combined raid on a huge drug facility in Afghanistan.   The raid netted 2,055 pounds of high-grade heroin and another 345 pounds of opium.

But when he learned of the raid, President Karzai was incensed.   He said,   "While Afghanistan remains committed to its joint efforts with the international community against narcotics, it also makes it clear that no organization or institution shall have the right to carry out such a military operation without prior authorization and consent of the government of Afghanistan.   Such unilateral operations are a clear violation of Afghan sovereignty as well as international law, and any repetition will be met by the required reaction from our side."

The fact is that what he says is just not true.   Afghan sovereignty was not violated.   The Afghan Interior Ministry was informed and Afghan troops participated in the raid beside American and Russian troops.   Karzai is just angry because he was not informed of the raid before it happened.

I have to wonder why he is so angry.   What would have been different (since the Afghan government was notified and their troops participated) if he had been notified?   Is he angry because he didn't get a chance to warn the drug suppliers?   Did the raid hurt one of his own illegal income streams?   Was the raid successful because he wasn't notified?

As for his threat of retaliation if it happens again, that is just ludicrous.   His troops can't even defend his own government.   They're certainly not capable of taking on American troops (or Russian troops).   The only reason the Taliban (and others) have not removed him from power (and probably executed him) is because we are protecting him.

It's time the United States stopped protecting him and propping up his corrupt government, and let the Afghan people deal with him as they want.   It's time to bring all United States (and Western) troops home.   The survival of the Karzai government is not worth a single American life.

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